Healing Voices Project: Sharing Stories of Addiction, Grief, Recovery and Courage.

Kerri O'Connor, a woman in recovery, parent and veteran, courageously tells her trauma and triumph.

Episode Summary

Kerri O,Connor, woman in recovery, proud parent, Gulf War Veteran, Agawam School Committee member, member of several local mental health and substance abuse programs, and local School District Mental Health and Training Coordinator, among many other programs, tells her emotional story of her own battles with alcoholism, and how her drinking affected her family and career. Kerri talks about how she overcame a relapse that almost ended her life.

Episode Notes

Kerri O,Connor, woman in recovery, proud parent, Gulf War Veteran, Agawam School Committee member, member of several local mental health and substance abuse programs, and local School District Mental Health and Training Coordinator, among many other programs, tells her emotional story of her own battles with alcoholism, and how her drinking affected her family and career.  Kerri talks about how she overcame a relapse that almost ended her life.

Website:  www.healingvoicesproject.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HealingVoicesProject
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3eR6nZ_ToGXi6zOOK5l_fQ
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MikeTourville3


Website: www.csgbn.com